Friday 1 May 2015

Research - Alex Cican

These images are just stunning in my opinion. I love the mass of pigeons, how they surround the old man and almost camouflage him. This is something along the lines that I would love to capture. To best give some images like this I was thinking of taking a trip to London and maybe visiting the likes of Trafalgar Square, well known for the pigeons. (hopefully its still as i remember it as i haven't been in a while) 

I think that the image above has to be my favourite image of the 3, the way that the photographer has captured the flight of the birds; the way the old man is covering his head for protection. The framing is also one I really like, the man in the left of the frame looking to the right, leading your gaze to the pigeons. The floor is also lost in a sea of birds; this is most probably where the man has already laid the food down for them. I just think that it is a striking image and one that draws up a mixture of emotion in me personally.

The fact that the images are in black and white really strengthens them. I think that colour would have been to overpowering and also would have taken away the emotion of the images.   

These images really just warm my heart. The fact that a homeless man, (as the photographer described him), is feeding the pigeons that are stray, street peckers. No longer have a home either. It’s quite ironic, however I like the idea that they are looking out for one another.  

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