Friday 15 May 2015

Darkroom Problems...

Some problems that I ran into when in the darkroom and enlarging my prints where problems with the negatives. This was really frustrating as there wasn't really anything that I could do to solve it.      

One of these problems was scratches on the negatives. This is frustrating, however the more I seemed to try and solve the problem the worse it got. I also tried to burn the scratch in to try and not make it as noticeable. This is one of my final images, I really had to consider if it was really one I wanted to use because of this scratch. But I really liked the image so I decided to go ahead and use it anyway. There are things that I can do to the print to solve this problem after printing however I don’t really think I want to be messing with my prints. I would rather leave it as it is.         

Another problem was just weird marks on the negative, and also streak lines. With this shot, the mark is really visible, clearly something that happened while processing the image because looking at the negative it doesn't seem like a scratch. I also used a device to get dust of the negative. So it clearly wasn't dust either. This is a shame, but has taught me to be more careful in the future with my negatives.  Another thing I had issues with was streaks on my negative. Although I washed my negatives correctly and left them to hang dry, it seemed they all had water marks and streaks on them.   I tried re washing, this helped a bit. Couldn't really tell as much when enlarging.            


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