Friday 15 May 2015

Prints So Far...

So, the main idea of my work is to create 2 sets of prints. One set will be street photography based, photographing pigeons in urban areas. These birds are wild (or for a better word homeless). I also decided to photograph the pigeons who are captive, ones that belong to a owner who breeds and looks after them as a hobby, this will be more of a documentary approach.

I decided to create 5 images for each set.  Below show the prints of the first set, the pigeons that belong to an owner.

The most important part about this set of images is that they capture the handling of the pigeons. I wanted to do this to see how they are used to it, they let the owner do this to them. Also capturing the branding made on them. For example this included rings and stamps on the feathers of the birds. Is this animal cruelty? Or is it simply making sure they are known, that they stay where they belong? 

I wanted my images to be really contrasty, have a range of tones in them and most defiantly not be grey.  To do this I made sure that I used filters in the darkroom. This allowed me to really pull the blacks and whites as white as possible. 

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