Tuesday 5 May 2015

London Contact Sheet 2 ...

Contact sheet shows more of a focus on the pigeons themselves, close ups from a high angle looking down.


Quick scans to have a better look. (please ignore the quality)

This image I feel like the birds are not a dominant part of the image. I want them to play more of a part than this, so this is one I don’t think that I will work on in the darkroom, unless other images are strong enough to carry this one with them in a series rather than individual images.   

One of the few, real close ups that I managed to get in Trafalgar square of the pigeons. Would have maybe liked to have captured more pigeons in the shot, however I am glad I focused in on one that was eating.  

Again another image that incorporates people with the pigeons, I want to do this more so to contrast the interaction with the pigeon fanciers (the birds that are caged and kept for sport, how they are treated compared to that of the street peckers) the street pigeons are hardly even acknowledged.   The framing of the image I think works really well, the way the man is in the top corner, not even phased by the pigeons rushing about his feet. Also the birds are in the foreground, therefor the main focus of the shot rather than been lost amongst it.

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