Wednesday 6 May 2015

Medium Format Contact Sheet 1

My first try at re-visiting what I had done in my minor project. I went in with the same concept and approached it with the same angle. The main focus was to attempt to expand on what I had done and explore more.  


This is one of my favourite images from the medium format shoot. What I like about it is the way that the pigeon is in focus, staring down the camera lens, but its behind a cage. The cage is out of focus, so its not the main part of the image, its more symbolic. Kind of sums up my whole idea, I wish I did capture this on 35m or I might even consider cropping into the image, making it 35mm format. 

Capturing a bird mid flight is something that I have tried to do throughout this project. They often come out distorted, this one however I feel work really well.  Overall though not really a good shot, Nothing really going on in it.

Wanting to capture things to do with pigeons is something I really wanted. For example, pigeon rings, people holding the birds etc. This, I think, is a great start and something I will most defiantly expand on.  

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