Wednesday 13 May 2015

Research - Renee Bonuccelli

Throughout this project I have often thought about swapping over to digital. I think that it would have been so much easier to capture beautiful images such as this one that I found. I also would have been able to get more variations of the same image, as I would have seen it instantly.

I truly love this image. Its so simple yet effective. The way the photographer has place the food in the child’s hand, and also the fact that the birds trust enough to take the food. The photographer has really captured a beautiful moment. The way that one of the birds is in mid flight, it captures movement, really giving life to the image. The composition works, the birds are in the centre of the frame.

Its images like this that make me thing I would have been able to capture more movement I was to use digital, and have a better chance of capturing that perfect moment.

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