Monday 11 May 2015

Research - Martin Parr

So, this guy isn’t my favourite, I have made this really clear in previous posts. However when having a look at my contact sheets he was the first person I came to think of. This is due to the incorporation of people in his work. The way that sometimes people come into the shot that may not have supposed to be there.

I found some great examples of what I mean below. The way that they have been cropped out of the shot, or in another example, completely out of focus.  

Links to my work:

The way that I have captured the arm of a child trying to feed the pigeons really reminds me of this notable style of Martin Parr’s. I like this as it captures interaction with the birds, therefor creating a link with the images of the pigeon collectors. Hopefully look for more along these lines so that I can make a stronger link.

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