Friday 8 May 2015

Paper Options...

So my issue is now what type of paper to use in the darkroom. Throughout the years I have used a range of paper and I always seem to land with Ilford multigrade paper either Matt or Pearl. I choose this because I think the image is clearer and looks better in presentation folders.

However with this project I really cant decide what paper will work best. I have done a few test prints to see what I’m liking most.  I have done the same print on pearl, gloss and also fibre based paper

Fibre based paper:

With this paper I think that the quality of the print itself is better. The image appears to have more tonal quality to it, however it’s the finished outcome that I really don’t like. I know that there’s ways to flatten the image so that it doesn’t look so curled up, however I think that this will still leave the prints damaged (or look messy) I know it cant be helped but it makes me like the prints less and I really want to feel happy with them. So I think I will not used fibre based paper.  

Pearl and Glossy: 

Placing them side-by-side you can clearly see the difference in the paper. I had to take the image from an angle to show this. I don’t really need to explain as its quite obvious that one will be shiny and one not.

Looking at the print itself rather than just the paper. Below in blue is glossy, in pink is pearl…

I did these images for the same amount of time, I also used a 5 filter in the image to really pull the blacks out. Normally wouldn’t go for it but I am really liking the glossy paper. I think that I will go for it but maybe a warm tone paper rather than just standard RC DELUXE. I think the tones stand out more and the contrast is slightly more intense and noticeable.

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