Monday 11 May 2015

London Contact Sheet 4 ...


Quick scans to have a better look. (please ignore the quality)

Personally I think that this is my favourite shot from my time in London. What I like most about it is the birds in mid-flight, the fact that they are what I have focused on, the tree in the background is slightly blurred; however this adds to the effect.  I feel like they are flying from the chaos of the tree, the fact the tree has no leaves make is seem eerie and creepy.   I also am happy that there are two birds in the shot, almost like they are fleeing together.    

Again this has the same concept as the one above. However I feel like it doesn’t work as well, and the birds themselves aren’t as clear and dominant in the image.

Although the bird itself looks almost deformed, this is what appeals to me about the image. I like the idea of capturing the birds like this, just before they take flight, it creates some interesting shapes, and makes you really have to look close and concentrate on what is happening in a simple image. You can also interpret it in different ways, is it about to fly, or is it landing.  

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