Tuesday 5 May 2015

London Contact Sheet 1 ...

Initial thoughts: I am liking the images of the pigeons on the floor. More so the ones that have people also in the shot, this gives a better feel of what I am wanting. (e.g them in urban areas). When looking at the contact sheet I have stared images that I want to enlarge and see the quality of the image at a larger scale.  


Quick scans to have a better look. (please ignore the quality)  

This image I really like. The way I have captured the girl in the foreground, going to chase the pigeons, as well as the people in the background just sat looking on. This reminds me slightly of the image I was trying to capture, by Alex Cican, with the old man interacting with the pigeons in Paris.

Maybe wish that I didn’t cut the guy in the top of the frame off like this maybe if I cropped into it more or even just stepped out slightly. However at the time I wasn’t thinking about what was in the background of the image I was mainly focusing on getting the pigeon in mid flight. This area of the photograph I feel I was successful with. I could always crop into it more when enlarging the image.

These are two images that I am most defiantly going to enlarge in the darkroom. I like the fact that the image contains both people and also pigeons. I like the idea of the two interacting. This is something I’m going to look for in other images. I think I am swaying more towards the one on the left as the birds are flying.

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