Monday 11 May 2015


Again another image that I have found that I feel resembles my work. I found this just doing researching and exploring the Internet for bird related photography. I also have a link to what I’m doing. I know this isn’t as close a resemblance as the other image but I think you can se influence. I like the idea of old people surrounded by pigeons, this seems to be something that I have explored a lot. I would have really loved to create an image like this but I just could seem to find a location where that amount of pigeons gathered. Also if I could I think that I would have to use a model to achieve this, but this wouldn’t be the same, I think most of the beauty of these types of images are the natural aspect of them. If I was to use a model I don’t think it would have the same authenticity.   
Link to my work:

Below shows 2 images that I captured in Trafalgar Square. I feel that these are the closest I will achieve to the image above. Although there isn’t a crowd of pigeons I like the image, especially the one of the birds flying.       

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