Monday 11 May 2015

In the Darkroom ...

My first print is on the left. This was okay, maybe slightly too dark. However, the image itself was sharp and in focus. The main point was to get the numbers on the rings as the focal point of the image.  I like the crop on the image, the way that not all of the hands are in the frame, as the main focus is the pigeon rings.  

The image on the left (blue) was the first print. After looking at this I decided to go back to the dark room and change a few things. The steps I did where:

  • I did 3 less seconds on the whole image overall. This has made the image not as dark and the whites are whiter and less grey.
  • I so burned the top corner in slightly to create more of a definition between the end of the image and the boarder. I did 10 seconds burn on this. 
If I was to work on this image, what I will be, I think I would do a slight longer burn on the top corner just so you can see the clear definition of where the image stops.  


When looking at the print the framing isn’t perfect. There is a hazy line at the bottom and it’s not as sharp as I want it to be. Slightly enlarging the image or maybe even making the frame slightly smaller would sort this out straight away.  

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