Saturday 17 November 2012

Paolo Roversi - Are all fashion? (mini rant)

would all of Paolo's work be classed as Fashion? I understand if there is over the top makeup and hair done, for example the one below..

The Shining Paolo Roversi

But i just don't see how simple images that look un-styled and really quite natural cant be classed as a portrait? fair enough you could say the clothes she is wearing are being advertised but what do you expect her to wear?
I just cant get my head around this and I'm really finding it hard right now to get this  project and what I'm meant to be looking for.

1 comment:

  1. i think it comes down to the context of the image. paolo's work, when you see it as a whole looks very styled and this is the strongest element. you see styling before you think about the person and i believe this is what makes the difference. true, fashion and portraiture are extremely close together and often one genre blends into another, surely this makes the subject interesting?
