Thursday 28 February 2013

The direction I'm heading

The thing that i have seemed to be lacking in the last couple of projects is a direction that i want to take my work in and have a set theme/meaning to the images. They kind of have a real open sort of point to them. So my main goal that i want to aim for is to try and make it so that they have a clear intent and reasoning. Not just a nice image of something random i found in my house. What the angle I'm going to take is is not quite clear to me yet but i am going to try my hardest to find one that gets me into the spirit of the still life genre...

Thursday 14 February 2013

Cool Book

I was at my friends house a week or so ago and they have a book collection on all things music, photography and art biased, as well as every tattoo book you could imagine. I just picked one at random while everyone was talking and i have to say it was rather good. It was loads of old pictures of people dressed up for Halloween in America and i have to say i really liked it. It had a real creepy weird feel to it... you guys should have a look if you ever get the time. I just thought it was cool


Tuesday 5 February 2013

Jan Svankmajer

In my mind i have the idea that still life is an image take of objects that don't move, like ornaments or personal belongings. Not so much people. What i think is interesting however is when you take images of still objects that simply on there own could be a really nice still life shot to someone, but once you put them into a sequence they appear to move and change. No longer still. This makes me question my theory. This is a great example. Also Jan Svankmajer's - Alice , shows a mix of image and movie.

I think that this is a really good source of research because when it comes to it i think that it is just a sequence of still life images that have come a live with character and make them more interesting.

My Thoughts

Considering i haven't really covered still life EVER in my photography learning/what ever you want to call it, i thought that i would be a lot more interested in learning new techniques to use for this area. However it just doesn't seem to be grabbing my attention at all. Normally i cant wait to get my notes written up but I'm just not. Its a lot harder than i thought.

Friday 1 February 2013

The Genius of Photography - Documents for Artists

While i was at the gallery today i went into the TV and media part of the exhibition and you were able to pick out past TV shows that you wanted to watch. I had a quick flick through the book to see if i could see something fun to kill a bit of time. I came across this. It wasn't the type of thing that i was intending to watch however i though i would go ahead and have a look see if anything interesting came up...

Most of it was about the industrial revolution and the incoming of machines. However i did find a little part that would be useful for this project. There was a little section on an artist named Karl Blossfeldt. I have pulled some screen grabs from the video to put into here.

It goes on to say how he made many images like this and placed the side by side in this style of layout so that you can see the similarity's and differences of the plants. 
This is a really interesting idea. The way that he has a large variety of the same item and he has line them up to be able to see how much they differ from one another. This could possibly a good concept to try and give my own twist too.  Would maybe however choose something personal to me. 

Bradford trip!

This is our little group shot that we took in the Kodak room today! ha. makes me laugh!!