Wednesday 13 November 2013


Blogger is something that I have been using on my course at CCAD since the beginning. I am really glad that professional studies is now blog based. The reason I think that blogger is a better way to present my professional studies work is because its easy to access so i can add to my portfolio of work at any time. Also blogger is a great way to get yourself out there and for people all over the world to see your work. This is great for professional studies because what betters way to show your professionalism and dedication to my area of work other than showcasing it to the world.

People can find my work and page through many forums. The best way to make sure my blog gets to as many people as it can is by adding tags, the more I add the more chance of getting my work seen through search engines. Another great thing about Blogger is its free, this is great for people like me who are trying to get my work out there and establish myself as a photographer. It is seen globally so i make sure that i don't say anything offensive or provocative as i do want to present myself in a professional and respectful manner.

My blog that I use regularly,  I have made an effort to personalise it and try and get my personality across. I used my blog on a daily basis and make many posts of work that I have produced and also work that influence me. Of course it has to be professional but I also think that it’s a great way to get you and your style across too. It represents you! I wanted to make it as colourful and creative as I could, I do go to an Art and Design College after all!

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