Tuesday 7 April 2015

Business Card Research...

This business card is really simple but still has style and is personal to the business. I really like the font on this card. This shows a bit of the work that the person can produce and gives people a slight insight of what they can be expecting if they do research there work.  I also think that the quality of the paper used by the creator is a really nice touch it gives the card an expensive feel.

 This looks like a mock up business card however I would like to try and create business cards used from dead neg and then scratch detail into the negative or maybe even stamp it onto the negative. I think that this is a really clever concept. The business card might be a bit small however and again could be easily scratched or damaged so the information could end up losing and the card would be useless.

I like that this business card has been creative and the ‘O’ of the name of company has been punched out and has became the lens of the mans camera on the front. This also acts as maybe a view finder. It like the concept of this but I don’t think that this is something that I would want to do as it could look a bit cheesy and predictable.

I like the idea of putting my work onto the business card so that people can see my style of work. It gives them an idea of what to expect so I think that I should use a piece that best reflects me and what I like to do with my photography. Also I need to keep in mind the size of my business card as I need to have information on them that people can read and understand easily and quickly but something that is also easy to carry and keep

My Old Business Card:

I have had business cards made previously and not really been happy with the outcomes. I feel like this was due to a lack of research into the company’s that I could use, and also not really thinking the design through. So I have decided to really consider the layout and design this time, as I want to create something that best represents my photography and me.

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