Thursday 16 April 2015

My Website

After looking at a number of website layouts I decided to choose this one. I really like how each individual page was laid out, and thought it would be perfect for my work. It was also really easy to edit the layout to my own style. This is perfect for the time being until I am able to get a personalized website created by a professional.  

Front Page

Second Page: Film Photographs

Third Page: Digital Photographs

Forth Page: About Me

On this page is my artist statement. This is just a little bit about me, what I do and why I do it. I thought that this was a great place to put this as I have also offered the chance for people to email me and get in touch with any questions anyone may have.   

Also have linked my social media platforms to this page.    


Although I am really happy with my website, and I think that this may be the one I use overall, I really don’t want to pay for the domain name till I am 100% certain first of all that I want to have a website and secondly what the domain name will be. For the time being this is suitable.     

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